Where it all began...
2015年夏、友人から "The book of learning and forgettingという本が面白いから読んでみなよ〜" と薦められ、軽い気持ちで読んでみたことが全ての始まりでした。 「人はどのように物事を学ぶ(&忘れる)のか」というのが本のテーマで、始めは教育...
Hello! I am a former kikokushijo (returnee) and adult TCK living in Tokyo. I am Japanese, have Japanese parents, and was brought up in the US and Japan. I hope to explore and share reflections on my mixed identity with you here.
If you have any comments on my blog, you can send them to:
TCKids Japan Facebook page
What's a Third Culture Kid?
TCKWorld: Official home
Harmonica (Resources for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children in Japan)
TCK Workshop (Online tutoring for TCKs)